Unrealistically Perfect

Women are pressured into looking good in todays society: Fashion. Make up, Waxing, Surgery.

This is my first blog post in a long time, i thought i should use the opportunity to write about an issue that is sitting at the back of almost every girls mind. As females why do we feel like we are pressured to look glamorous? For who, males? They don’t even put in half the effort we invest in, so why bother?

This is not another feminism rant, i am just here trying to state some facts. Women are pressured by both genders. Women pressure other women by the power of competition setting each other standards, women feel pressured by men because they like to live up to the man’s expectation of perfection why? To boost up a little self esteem.

i blame the media on building mens fantasy to become unrealistically perfect, they want a woman who’s thin, but also has curves and big assets, but in the real world you are either one or the other, naturally. This is when women decide to take it up to the next level by getting surgery done such as breast implants. According to the NHS “The average cost of having breast implants in the UK is in the region of £3,500-5,000” What about the women who cannot afford it, should they be insecure for the rest of their lives?

Music artists such as girl group TLC and Beyonce are trying to inspire women from young to avoid being manipulated by society.

Beyonce recently published a song called pretty hurts early this year,   a behind the scene video was made that explains the concept of the song the video explains and takes a look into society’s intake on beauty and how it doesn’t bring you happiness and it doesn’t move you forward in life. “It’s really finding yourself that brings you happiness.”

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